Showing posts with label Cellulite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cellulite. Show all posts

Myth: Tanning Can Hide Cellulite

Tanning may make the cellulite less obvious, but when the tan fades, the cellulite might look even worse. That’s because frequent exposure to UV rays can damage the skin, making it thinner and less resilient, according to the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology.

Risk Factors You Can Control

Although you can’t completely prevent cellulite, your lifestyle choices may affect its appearance. Factors that worsen the condition include:
  • Yo-yo dieting
  • An excessively high-carbohydrate diet
  • An increase in total body fat
  • Being inactive
  • Fluid retention or being dehydrated

Risk Factors You Can't Control

Genetics is destiny when it comes to cellulite. If your mother has cellulite, you probably will, too. White women are more likely to have cellulite than Asian women. Other risk factors include:
  • Hormonal changes in pregnancy
  • Aging

Myth: Skinny People Don’t Have Cellulite

Cellulite is related to the structures within the skin, so even slender women are likely to have some cellulite. And if thin skin runs in your family, the cellulite you have will be more visible.

Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite is caused by fat deposits that sit side-by-side with tough collagen fibers that are anchored to the muscle beneath. When the fibers pull tight, or the fatty areas grow larger, the fat deposits may bulge out. Cellulite is much more common in women than in men.

Signs of Cellulite

Cellulite is purely a cosmetic problem, not an illness or medical
condition. It can look like faint dimples or an "orange peel" texture,
and may only be seen when the skin is pressed. But for some people
cellulite can be very conspicuous, forming large areas of lumpy skin,
deep dimples, and creases.  While it's most common on the thighs and
backside, it occurs on the abdomen, upper arms, and breasts, too.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the rippled appearance of skin, usually on the thighs and buttocks of women, that's caused by the underlying layer of fat. Paparazzi sometimes zoom in on Hollywood stars in bikinis to show the puckering in their skin. It doesn't mean the stars gained weight or failed to work out. The ugly truth: Almost every woman will eventually develop cellulite.