Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts

Welcome to the No-Fad Diet
You may have tried several times before to lose weight, but without much long-term success. That’s no reason to feel bad about yourself — losing weight is not easy. No magic formula will trim away extra pounds and keep them off. Gimmicks and get-thin-quick schemes don’t work. That’s why, over the long haul, fad diets are not the answer.

We aren’t offering any magic either — quite the opposite. Instead, we offer you the tools you need to personalize a weight-loss plan to fit your lifestyle. You can design your own approach using three key concepts, or what
we call the Circles of Success.

To lose weight effectively, you need to set realistic goals and create a personal action plan. Your planning should focus on you, your commitment to yourself, and the three essential circles — think smart, eat well and move more. These circles will overlap as you work toward your goals, and you will need to embrace all three to achieve successful weight control for life.

Because your choices are tailored to reflect your individual needs, the actions you take to follow through will be suited to become part of your new life. It won’t happen overnight, but if you persist, it will happen! Any step you take in the right direction — no matter how small — moves you closer to your weight-loss goals and a healthier life.

“Let this book be your guide and the American Heart Association be your partner on your journey to losing weight — and keeping if off — realistically, healthfully, and successfully for years to come. Do it for you, and encourage those you love to join you. Years of added life may well be the outcome!”

Go Green, Get Lean!
Imagine if the food you fed yourself and your family was tasty, easy and a whole lot better for the planet. It's not as tall an order as it seems. In fact, a hot new book makes it pretty easy.

Registered dietitian Kate Geagan, author of Go Green Get Lean (Rodale), says our food choices are not only clogging our arteries and making us fat, but it turns out the American Diet is the SUV of eating styles.

"Switching to greener food choices can reduce global warming as effectively as buying a new fuel-efficient vehicle," Kate says. "And unlike a home remodel or a car purchase, food is every day."

Blending scientific fact with fresh food ideas, Go Green Get Lean serves up the latest dish on moving to a fresh green cuisine as it opens readers’ eyes to the impact of their food choices on personal and planetary health.

It’s nutrition with a mission: See how easy and delicious it can be to start saving the planet one bite at a time.

"One thing is clear: your food choices are no longer just about you," Kate says. "The impact of the foods you choose are no longer limited to the immediate impact to your hips or the long term impact to your health.

"Your stake in the food choices you make run deeper than you likely have thought; they run to food companies and agribusiness, to Congress, to Wall Street, to the energy sector, and most importantly, to the well-being of the planet.

"And it is the power of your pocketbook, the power you wield every single time you purchase food that tips those stakes in one clear direction or another."

What you learn in Go Green Get Lean will enable you to make powerful changes that are easy, fresh, delicious and life-saving to the planet, without requiring that you become a vegan, dig a root cellar or retreat to a diet that’s within walking distance from your home.

"The Go Green, Get Lean diet is really pretty simple when you get right down to it; what works for effective weight loss and improved health is very, very closely tied with what works for a better planet," Kate says.

"Choco-flavored snacks that are fat-free, carb-free, calorie-free and shrink-wrapped tight enough to survive another Hurricane Katrina may help dieters feel they can 'have their cake and eat it too,' but boy is that cake costly to the planet."

The Lean and Green Diet is a six-week program that tackles one high carbon area of your diet at time. At the end of six weeks you will have all of the building blocks in place you need to tread more lightly, literally, for the rest of your life.

Each week will give you a step-by-step roadmap to swapping leaner, greener choices.

Click for more info about Kate Geagan and Go Green Get Lean.

Meanwhile, here are 4 quick shortcuts to take a big bite out of our diet’s carbon footprint without even touching your diet.

1. Become a Sustainable Shopper

Your individual behavior as a shopper is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, issue in determining the total carbon footprint of your food. In our suburban culture, we are logging more miles than ever before on food. How often do you shop? How many stores do you visit to save money? What type of bags do you use? Your habits as a shopper matter.

2. Cut your Waste-Line

A recent study concluded that on average the British waste about 30% of the edible food they buy. In our economic downturn, I imagine few Americans can afford to toss 1 out of 3 grocery bags, but my hunch is we’re not too far off... probably without realizing it.

Whether it's tossing out leftovers, buy a cookie at the mall and then guiltily throw it away after three bites, eat only the white meat off the rotisserie chicken and then pitch the carcass, the energy involved in bringing you that food (and the greenhouse gases it produces in the landfill) has been wasted, and as food decays in landfills it emits one of the most potent warming gases of all -- methane.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Reuse, Reuse Some more... then Recycle

While it’s easy to get bogged down in “should I buy aluminum or plastic? Frozen or fresh?” one thing is clear; it is what happens to the food packaging after you’re done that is critical in determining the actual carbon footprint of that choice. While the idea of “Reusing” often gets glossed over, it’s critical to cutting the carbon footprint of your diet.

4. Be sure your Appliances are Energy Efficient

Ho hum, sounds boring, right? Wrong. A striking conclusion made by the UC Davis Sustainability Institute after an extensive review of the literature was this: One of the biggest hotspots in determining a person’s personal "food footprint" is that household food storage and preparation account for 25-30% of the total carbon load of that food. So tucking those organic farmers market strawberries in a 20-year-old fridge that’s belching out warming gases misses the point.

Five greens you should be eating

Good for you greens

We all know “greens” are good for us, but what Popeye-loving veggies give you the most bang for your nutrition buck? Read on for the top five greens you should be eating and recipes to make sure you do.



What it is: Arugula is a leafy, edible plant that’s originally from the Mediterranean.
Why it’s so good for you: This strong smelling peppery-tasting plant is loaded with cancer-fighting vitamin C and heart-helping potassium.
How to eat it: Use it in place of basil to create a tasty arugula pesto.


What it is: This edible tree-like veggie is named after a small town in Italy and is grown, almost exclusively, in California and Arizona.
Why it’s so good for you: Broccoli is a superpower among veggies. Not only is it loaded with dozens of vitamins, like vitamins A and C, it also contains calcium, fiber and vitamin B6 (all great for fighting degenerative diseases and cancer).
How to eat it: Bake these Broccoli Stuffed Potatoes.


What it is: Popeye’s favorite strongman green has been popular for years because of its super nutritional value. Spinach is grown across the US and Asia.
Why it’s so good for you: If you’re going to eat one green every day, spinach should be it. The fresh tasting green is loaded with antioxidants, iron, folate and magnesium, all of which slow the aging process and halt degenerative diseases like arthritis. Spinach also contains fiber and calcium.
How to eat it: Beat summer’s heat with this Chilled Spinach Chicken Soup.

Collard Greens

What it is: A favorite in the south, collard greens belong to the same plant family as broccoli and cabbage. It’s eaten all over the world, most frequently in Africa, Spain and Brazil.
Why it’s good for you: Loaded with vitamins, collard greens are one of the best foods you can eat. They’re a great source of vitamin C and fiber and have anti-inflammatory antioxidants, making it an important leafy green for people suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Recent research also suggests collard greens have a mixture of anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties that help stave off colds and infections.
How to eat it: Get sneaky with this super nutritious Purple Puree.

Romaine Lettuce

What it is: A sturdy lettuce famous for its role in the Caesar salad, romaine lettuce can be eaten raw or cooked. This leafy green is originally from Greece and was later transported to the US through Rome.
Why it’s good for you: Romaine lettuce is rich in a variety of vitamins including vitamins A, C and K and is loaded with folate and potassium, all of which are great for promoting the health of your heart and lungs.
How to eat it: Give these Caesar salads a try.

Weekly Diet News Digest

Shauna Reid freely admits she's half the woman she used to be... but that's a good thing.

At the age of 23 Shauna weighed 351 pounds and wore tight-fitting size-26 clothing.

At an age when all her friends were hitting the dance clubs, Shauna was staying home and trying to figure out what went wrong.

Shauna is the daughter of a Weight Watchers group leader. But while mom was helping others lose weight, Shauna was packing on pounds.

Frustrated and afraid, Shauna turned to blogging. The Internet proved a safe haven for a young woman struggling with weight and seeking anonymity while exorcising her personal demons and detailing her missteps to strangers.

Writing as "dietgirl," Shauna became a popular blogger. She took control of her weight and began the amazing journey that has led her to drop a super 175 pounds.

She's now 31, wearing 12-14 sizes, and at peace with her weight. She's also the proud author of the motivational new book, The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl(Avon).

"I don't have a magical formula for weight loss," Shauna admits. "But after years of trial and error, I learned that it's essential to figure out what works for you and what fits into your life, rather than trying to fit your life around a diet.

"I focus on eating healthy food with loads of fruit and vegetables. I don't believe in 'Good' or 'Bad' foods, so I'll never surrender my precious chocolate and ice cream.

"But I've learned to savor smaller portions and now I can finally enjoy food without guilt or shame."

Slimmed-down Shauna reveals there's a new love in her life.

"I've also learned to love exercise," she says. "I began with walking to the end of the block and back, and kept adding more blocks until I got the nerve to join a gym.

"I've gradually built up my fitness from there. My current favorites are kickboxing, cycling, walking, hillwalking, weight training and fitness DVDs."

Speaking to me by phone from her home in Scotland, Shauna says she no longer stresses over the numbers on the scale. She stands 5'8" and weighs 175... and she's perfectly fine with that.

There's a joy in her voice. It's the sound of contentment and true happiness.

"Sure I lost a lot of weight, but the biggest changes took place in my head," Shauna says. "I started out as a hardcore dieter, struggling with self-loathing. I thought my mission was all about bullying my body into a more socially acceptable shape.

"But soon I realized what I really wanted more than smaller jeans was to feel comfortable in my own skin. To just like being me.

"Once I started treating myself kindly with good food and exercise instead of disgust and anger, I started to appreciate my body, lumps and bumps and all.

"There was more to me than the size of my jeans, after all. And that has been the best lesson of this whole adventure.

"Overall, my philosophy boils down to: Do the healthy more often than you don't do the healthy thing. It's not about numbers and scales; it's eating well and being kind to myself. Persistence, not perfection. Getting back up when I fell over. Over and over again!"

Dietgirl's Top 20 Weight Loss Tips

Shauna notes, "People often ask me for diet and weight loss tips so I've put together my top 20. This is seven years of tricks, tweaks, discoveries and epiphanies all condensed into one handy list. Hopefully you'll find something helpful here for you!"

1. First, start with the big picture. Write down your goals and be specific. What do you want to change? Where do you want to be a year from now?

2. Next, focus on the details. Every day we make dozens of tiny decisions that can spell the difference between whether we lose weight or gain. Do you pick the muesli for breakfast or the chocolate muffin? Do you spend 20 minutes on the couch or 20 minutes on a brisk walk? Small changes can add up to huge results.

3. Start exercising - no matter what your fitness level. At 25 stone (350 pounds) I could only shuffle to the end of the street, but I gradually built up to the whole block. Within a couple of years I was running! Don't compare yourself to others, just work within your limits and take it slow and steady.

4. Eat breakfast. A wholesome breakfast makes me feel smug, satisfied and determined to stay ..
on track all day. My favorite is porridge, livened up with grated apple and cinnamon, or chopped banana and teaspoon of peanut butter.

5. Be kind to yourself and your body. You don’t have to look in the mirror and chant, “I love me! I am beautiful!” but at the same time yelling at your thighs won’t encourage your weight loss efforts.

6. Make your treats miniature. Instead of banning dessert, I choose smaller portions – like an apple crumble baked in a ramekin dish or a small bar of chocolate. I get my sugar hit without dangerous leftovers!

7. Lift weights. It won’t make you bigger – it’ll make you svelte and strong! If you’re worried about loose skin, resistance training is the best thing you can do to tone your body as you lose weight.

8. Planning is crucial. Every Saturday I take 10 minutes to plan our meals for the coming week. I choose from a list of 25 easy, tried-and-true recipes, so it’s quicker to cook than phone for restaurant food.

9. Buy your groceries online. It saves time and you’re not tempted by all the sights and smells of the supermarket. Or tortured by your screaming children.

10. Feel your emotions, don’t feed them. In times of stress it’s tempting to bury your feelings in cake – better to feel bad about binging than tackle the real issue! But try to find non-edible ways of coping – I highly recommend kickboxing classes.

11. Go Greek. If you’re a cream or sour cream fiend, 0% or 2% Greek yogurt is an excellent substitute. It's low in fat, protein-rich and incredibly creamy. Dollop into meringue nests and top with fresh fruit. Splodge onto a bowl of chili. Swirl into butternut squash soup.

12. The best exercise is the one you enjoy. So what if your best friend swears by aerobics at dawn? If you’re a shift worker or just plain grumpy in the morning, this will never suit you. Choose an exercise you like and do it when it’s most convenient for you – this way you’ll stick with it.

13. Stock your office pantry. It's much easier to ignore the vending machine when I’ve got half an orchard sitting on my desk and a drawer full of oatcakes, nuts and seeds.

14. Have a "cuppa." When hunger strikes and it’s not meal time, I make a cup of tea. This gives me time to figure out if I’m really hungry or if I’m just bored or cranky or upset. Herbal tea is great – experiment until you find one that doesn’t taste like grass clippings!

15. Have a moan. Losing weight isn’t easy, but you don’t have to feel alone in the struggle. Start your own blog, sign up for a message board, or join in the conversation here on the boards and forums. Remember, we’re all in this lardy boat together!

16. Put the scales in perspective. Don’t fret over small fluctuations – focus on all the healthy things you’ve been doing for your body. Get out the tape measure or have a pair of “measurement jeans” so you’re not dependent on the scales for feedback.

17. Be adaptable. Make your weight loss plans fit around your life, not the other way around. Sometimes circumstances will change – a new job, a family crisis, moving house – and suddenly your usual routine doesn’t work. The trick is to be flexible and know when it’s time to tweak your methods.

18. Set a non-scale goal. Why not train for a charity 5k race or challenge yourself to do 10 push-ups? Focusing on fitness means I don’t fret about the numbers so much. And all those endorphins make me feel less inclined to go on a chocolate bender.

19. Accept that sometimes it’s going to suck. Despite your best intentions, there will be days when you fall into a bag of chips. But long-term success is about persistence, not perfection. It’s picking yourself up when you fall, over and over again.

20. Don’t wait to be “skinny” to start living your life. If you have dreams of traveling or writing a book or learning to scuba dive, don’t think you need a smaller bottom before you deserve them. Your life is happening right now – so forget about your wobbly bits and jump right in!

The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl is the story of how Shauna Reid lost 175 pounds - half her body weight - and went from popular blogger to best-selling author. To get your FREE copy of this book simply become a Premium Member!

Take the Special K challenge

Two bowls, two meals, two weeks - see what it could do for you

two bowls of Special K

The Special K challenge is a really simple way to shape up for summer.

Here's 10 things you didn't know about the Challenge:

1 You can have up to a 45g portion on the Challenge.

2 It is a kick-start towards a healthier lifestyle in the long term

3 You can choose from a range of 10 delicious Special K cereals

4 Get personalised support to help you succeed with ShapeMate

5 You can have a normal balanced third meal

6 It's one of the simplest ways to help you get slimmer

7 You can snack on the Challenge

8 Millions of people have been successful

9 Research has proven that it works

10 Special K contains nine essential nutrients

So what are you waiting for?

Sign yourself up for the two-week challenge and provide your details on the Special K website here, then you can use the free personalised challenge plan with recipes, tailored advice and support that will reflect your lifestyle, goals and personal tastes. Oh, and some free Special K cereal and snacks as well, of course.

Please note you must have a BMI of 25 or above and be over 18 years old to take part. To check your BMI please use the BMI calculator on the Special K website.

Then all we ask is that you start a blog on AAY in our Readers' blogs section to keep a diary of your progress. How often you update your blog is up to you - every day if you like, but we would suggest a minimum of two to three blogs a week. Visit our blogs section here to get yourself set up with a blog if you don't already have one - email our Communities team here if you need any help.

Your ultimate bikini diet

SHE online

It’s summer shape-up time again, but say goodbye to diets that sap your energy and leave you hungry and miserable. Our two-week healthy eating plan has tasty, nutritious foods that will help you lose up to half a stone and leave you energised and glowing inside and out – it’ll even tackle cellulite!

woman eating bikini diet lipo diet salad

Sounds too good to be true? Believe us, this works! Our two-week healthy eating shape-up plan is based on the principles of nutritionist and cellulite reduction specialist Georgios Tzenichristos, who has a clinic in London. An expert in his field, Georgios is consulted daily by women who are fed up with following standard diet plans that leave them feeling hungry and sluggish - and looking even worse than when they started!

'Many traditional diets starve your body of nutrients,' explains Georgios. 'This leaves you with loose, lacklustre skin, a lower metabolism, poor circulation and more toxins in your system than you had before you started dieting. In fact, over time, a low-nutrient diet can actually create the flabby, puffy, cellulite-ridden look that most women are so desperate to be rid of.' Worse still, as soon as you stop starving yourself, your body grabs hold of the calories and locks them into fat faster than ever before. So ultimately, many diets can make you gain weight!

Because of this, Georgios suggests that his clients follow the simple principle of controlling their nutrient/calorie ratio - also known as ‘low-energy density eating'. The idea behind this is that the foods you eat should be as high in nutrients and low in calories per portion as possible. 'Most of the meals we eat are completely the opposite of this,' adds Georgios. 'Take something simple like a white bread cheese sandwich - it's packed with calories, yet it provides your body with virtually none of the nutrients you need.' It also supplies none of the ingredients that will help you to stay slim. Weight loss is often regarded as a simple matter of calories in versus calories out, but the truth is that the more nutrient-dense your eating plan, the more effective it will be.

This is partly down to appetite - if you consume high-nutrient/low-calorie foods you can, quite simply, eat more and still lose weight. Many nutrition experts also believe that if your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs, it's far less likely to produce the cravings and hunger pangs associated with a high-carb, high-sugar diet. In fact, in trials at the US's Penn State University, women swapping to a low-energy density diet cut roughly 800 calories a day from their normal food intake without even noticing, because their bodies felt so satisfied.

What's more, diets that are low in nutrients trigger a metabolic slow down that can affect your body's slimming potential. 'If you don't take in enough nutrients, your liver will under perform, your kidneys and lymph system will slow down and you will synthesise less collagen,' explains Georgios. 'All of this can have a negative effect on your shape. The liver, for example, is the biggest fat-burning organ in the body. And if your kidneys and lymph system are sluggish, you're going to get fluid retention, which will add flab, pounds and inches.' And that's not all. 'If collagen levels fall, you'll start to look flabbier and less toned - poor collagen is one of the major contributory factors to the formation of cellulite.'

The good news? By adjusting your nutrient/calorie ratio you can change all of this in one fell swoop. According to Georgios, you're likely to lose up to half a stone in the first fortnight - and if you follow the plan for longer you'll then settle down to a weight loss of a safe and healthy 1-2lb a week. In fact, in trials at Penn State University, people who went on a nutrient-rich, low-calorie diet were found to lose 6lb more than those following a diet focused solely on reducing fat and calories. And since you'll be supplying your body with huge levels of nutrients, you'll look and feel fantastic too! In fact, Georgios is so proud of the results of his eating plan that he has nicknamed it the ‘Lipo Diet', because it's more effective than surgery!

The four rules

1 Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables - the ultimate high-nutrient, low-calorie foods. Go for dark green leafy veg, which has a huge nutrient/calorie ratio, or sea vegetables such as wakame or nori seaweed (

2 Protein and/or ‘good' carbs, such as brown rice, pasta, sweet potatoes and wholegrain bread and crackers should take up the other third of the plate - but only eat carbs if you've exercised that day. Try to include small portions of fish or lean meat wherever possible as protein helps the body retain muscle mass, which increases the number of calories you burn.

3 Add a dash of healthy fat. Essential fatty acids from oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocados or olives help your body to burn fat. Georgios suggests adding a teaspoon or two of fat, such as flaxseed oil, to meals.

4 Have a smoothie for breakfast, so you start the day on a nutrient high. Georgios recommends adding some whey protein to stimulate calorie burning.

Click here for our ultimate bikini diet meal plan.


Tone-up tips for your problem areas

Whether it’s our stomach, arms or thighs, we all have bits of our body we long to change. So what can you do about those problem areas? By Anne Montague

naked woman sitting, rear view

Just because you've inherited a particular body shape doesn't mean you can't have a flat tummy, toned arms or a pert bottom; you might just have to work a bit harder to achieve it, says Carl McCartney, national group exercise manager for Virgin Active.

‘Strength training to build muscle is a key part of that, especially when you're trying to tone a particular area. A pound of muscle is more compact than a pound of fat so if you lose fat and gain muscle you might not lose weight, but you should lose inches from the bits that matter and look more toned. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate and the more calories you will burn.'

A pound of fat burns 8 calories a day, while a pound of muscle burns 75 - build 4½lb muscle and you can boost your metabolic rate by 10%. Combining strength training with aerobic exercise like walking, swimming or dancing will help you stay fit and feel more comfortable with your body as well as burning fat, especially from around your tummy. Carl McCartney recommends these toning exercises every other day:

Reshape a big bottom
Squats are one of the best exercises for your hips, bottom and thighs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, toes pointing slightly outwards, and squat as though you were sitting into or standing out of a chair. Your knees should not extend beyond the line of your toes. Do 10-15 squats every other day. Raise the intensity by slowing down and holding the squat for 2 to 3 seconds.

Tone your thighs
Lunges are great for total leg conditioning and will work all the muscles from your hips down to your ankles. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and lunge forward, heel first, lowering your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and directly over your foot - your knee shouldn't extend beyond your toes. Your back knee should be as close to the ground as you can manage. Return to your starting position and do the same move with the other leg. Aim for 12-15 lunges on each leg. You can make your legs work harder and exercise your abdominals at the same time by adding some weight - hold a can of beans or a heavy bag in the hand on the same side as the back leg. Your abdominal and core muscles will have to work to stabilise your body.

Flatten your stomach
Crunches are the most effective way to tighten your tummy muscles. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart, and knees bent. Cross your arms over your chest, placing each hand on the opposite shoulder. Tuck your chin toward your chest and gently raise your shoulders off the floor until you feel a squeeze in your tummy muscles, then slowly lower your shoulders back towards the floor. Repeat 15-20 times.

Slim your waist
Side bends and rotations will strengthen the oblique muscles around your middle, making your waist look narrower, but they won't shift a spare tyre - you have to eat less and do more aerobic exercise to achieve that.
Bends: stand with your knees slightly bent, arms down by your sides and hips facing forward. Bend down to one side, sliding your arm down the side of your leg, and then the other. Do 15 bends on each side. Your hips should stay still - imagine them as headlights that have to stay facing forward.
Rotations: stand with your knees slightly bent, hips facing forward and your arms at shoulder level and bent at 90 degrees at the elbow. Rotate slowly to the right, keeping your hips still (think headlights again) and then to the left. Repeat 15 times on each side.

Banish bingo wings
Sit on the edge of a chair or the bottom step of the stairs and move your feet out in front of you. Balancing on your arms, move your bottom in front of the chair/step. Bend your elbows and lower your body a few inches, keeping your shoulders down and away from your ears and your elbows parallel to one another, going no lower than 90 degrees. Push back up to your starting position. Repeat 12-15 times. If you want to make it harder, straighten your legs.

Stop saggy boobs
Although you can't tone breasts as they have no muscles, toning up your chest muscles will add stability and help firm up the whole area. Push-ups will work your chest and your arms. Kneel on the floor with your arms straight and your palms flat on the floor. Keep your back straight and aim for 5-10 push-ups. If that's too much like hard work, just stretching your chest will give your whole chest area a physical lift by pushing it out and improving your posture. Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms stretched out straight at shoulder level. Push your arms back, thumbs turned backwards and your chest out, and hold for a count of 10.

The anti-cellulite diet

SHE online

If ugly, dimpled thighs are putting a damper on your summer, our 14-day plan could solve all your problems. Helen Foster, renowned diet expert, reveals how to get smooth legs and lose up to 7lb!

woman measuring thighs

‘No matter what beauty therapists might tell you, cellulite isn't a build-up of toxins, it's actually fat held in stacked lipid boxes - pure and simple. If you gain weight or the collagen fibres holding those boxes together start to thicken, the fat is squished upwards, creating a dimpled look. And as this fat has high numbers of water-attracting cells, fluid is drawn into those boxes, leading to more lumps. So the severity of your cellulite depends on: how much fat and fluid your lipid boxes contain; how thick the collagen fibres become and how firm your skin is. All of these factors are influenced by genetics, age and the number of free radicals in your system - but they can be radically improved by the foods you eat. ‘Your diet alone can determine whether you have cellulite,' says nutritional therapist and homotoxicologist Karen Devine ( So follow our four rules and banish the bumps.

Four rules for smooth skin

1 Reduce fluid retention

This is the most important rule, as eliminating excess fluid from your fat cells will dramatically reduce the amount bulging from those stacked lipid boxes. So you need to cut out salt, drink more water and eat more naturally diuretic foods, including cranberries, celery, fennel and asparagus.

2 Burn fat

While slim women do get cellulite, excess fat makes the condition far worse, so this diet plan gives around 1,400 calories a day, on which you should lose about 2lb of fat a week. ‘To maximise fat burning, it's vital to increase your intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which triggers fat release,' reveals nutritionist Henrietta Bailey of London's Pure Sports Medicine ( In fact, when US researchers gave one group of women a herbal anti-cellulite pill alone and another group the same pill plus 800mg CLA, the CLA group lost two-thirds more fat from their thighs and were five times more likely to say their cellulite had improved. Try the Maximuscle Diet System CLA 1000, £29.99, Boots.

3 Plump your skin

‘Cellulite looks worse on dehydrated skin,' says Henrietta. This is because the more water there is in your skin cells, the plumper the skin will be over the fat boxes and the less the dimpling will show. Healthy fats hydrate the skin because they encourage fluid to remain inside the skin cells rather than in the fat cells. So nuts, seeds, olives and oily fish are important elements of this plan.

4 Decrease oestrogen levels

‘The women of Peru don't have cellulite, which, I believe, is down to the fact that they have a diet high in natural phytoestrogens (plant oestrogens), which balances their oestrogen levels,' says New York-based cellulite specialist Dr Lionel Bissoon, author of 'The Cellulite Cure' (Meso Press, £21.50). Oestrogen is involved in cellulite production as it triggers the production of fat cells and encourages fluid retention. In fact, according to Karen Devine. ‘One of the most important cellulite-fighting foods is flaxseed, which contains hormone modulators called lignans, which lower excess oestrogen levels.' Just sprinkle one to two tablespoons of flaxseed (also known as linseed) over your morning cereal or porridge. Try Cold Milled Flaxseeds, £9.99 for 425g, from Holland & Barrett. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts also contain mild phytoestrogens.

If you follow these rules it will help in the fight against cellulite, but how do you incorporate them all into your life? Easy - our seven-day diet does it all for you. Follow it for two weeks to visibly improve surface cellulite and tackle fluid retention, and for up to six weeks to create a longer-lasting effect that targets the problem at the source. Not only that, you'll also be really re-energised on this plan. Feel free to mix and match the ingredients - for example, if the diet suggests salmon, it's okay to swap it for another oily fish. Just make sure you stick to the same quantities. Each day, drink two litres of low- or no-calorie fluid such as water, diet soda or herbal tea. If you suffer from fluid retention, have one or two cups of dandelion or fennel tea a day to help flush out fluid faster.

Click here for the anti-cellulite diet eating plan...