Showing posts with label Testicular Pain (Pain in the Testicles). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testicular Pain (Pain in the Testicles). Show all posts

Testicular Pain At A Glance

  • Testicular pain refers to pain or discomfort that is felt in one or both testicles.
  • The primary role of the testicle is to produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
  • There are numerous conditions that can cause testicular pain, and a few of them constitute medical emergencies.
  • The signs and symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness of the testicle and/or scrotum. Nausea, vomiting and fever may also be present.
  • The different causes of testicular pain can be diagnosed using blood tests, urinalysis and imaging studies, in addition to a complete physical exam.
  • The treatment for testicular pain varies depending on the underlying cause, and may include pain medication, antibiotics, and surgical intervention.
  • The complications of the conditions causing testicular pain may include infection, impaired fertility, permanent damage to the testicle or loss of the testicle.
  • Only a few causes of testicular pain are preventable.

What are the complications of the conditions causing testicular pain?

The complications associated with the different causes of testicular pain may include the following.
Testicular torsion
  • permanent damage to the testicle
  • loss of testicle
  • infertility
  • infection
  • cosmetic deformity
  • epididymo-orchitis
  • abscess formation
  • impaired fertility
  • systemic blood infection (sepsis)
Torsion of a testicular appendage
  • no significant complications exist
  • permanent damage to the testicle
  • atrophy of the testicle
  • loss of testicle
  • infertility
  • abscess formation
  • cosmetic deformity
  • testicular torsion
Inguinal hernia
  • incarceration (hernia unable to be pushed back in)
  • strangulation (disruption to the blood supply)
  • atrophy of the testicle
  • impaired fertility
  • abscess formation
Kidney stone
  • permanent kidney damage
  • urosepsis (systemic blood infection arising from infected urine)
Testicular tumor
  • The complications of a testicular tumor vary depending on the underlying type of tumor and the extent of disease.

How can testicular pain be prevented?

There are a few measures that you can take to prevent certain causes of testicular pain. However, many of the causes are not entirely preventable.
  • For epididymitis or bacterial orchitis caused by sexually transmitted
  • Diseases, condom use can reduce the risk of transmission
  • The use of appropriate protective gear during sporting activities can prevent
  • testicular trauma.
  • Mumps immunization can decrease the incidence of viral orchitis.

How are the causes of testicular pain diagnosed?

In order to diagnose the underlying condition causing testicular pain, a complete history and physical exam will be performed by a health care professional. Laboratory testing and imaging studies may also be ordered depending on the health care professional's initial impression and evaluation.
Laboratory testing may include:
  • blood work
  • urinalysis
  • a swab of the urethra (if the patient has penile discharge suggestive of a sexually transmitted disease)
Imaging tests may include
A non-invasive imaging study that can evaluate the blood flow to the testicles, as well as the presence of testicular tumors, fluid collections, testicular rupture, hernias, and kidney stones (renal ultrasound).
Radionuclide imaging
An imaging study requiring the intravenous administration of a radionuclide, useful for the evaluation of testicular torsion, as well as other causes of testicular pain.
CT scan or a kidney/ureter/bladder (KUB) X-ray
These imaging studies are sometimes used for diagnosing kidney stones.
For certain testicular pain, such as those that are strongly suggestive of testicular torsion, immediate urologic consultation prior to testing should be obtained in order to prevent potential delays in definitive surgical management.

What is the treatment for testicular pain?

The treatment for testicular pain varies depending on the underlying cause. As already noted, some conditions causing testicular pain are medical emergencies requiring immediate surgical intervention.
Testicular torsion
Definitive management of testicular torsion requires surgery by a urologist. During surgery, the affected testicle is untwisted, and if it is found to be viable, the testicle is secured to the scrotal wall (orchiopexy). The unaffected testicle may also be secured to prevent testicular torsion from occurring on the other side.
Sometimes, the affected testicle can be manually untwisted by a physician without necessitating emergent surgery, though this is a temporizing measure that ultimately still requires definitive surgical repair. Likewise, some testicular torsion can occur and then resolve spontaneously, and the health care practitioner must maintain a high index of suspicion in order for this condition to be diagnosed and ultimately surgically repaired.
The more rapidly the testicle is untwisted and blood flow is restored, the better the chances for salvaging the affected testicle. If treated within 6 hours of symptom onset, the salvage rate nears 100%, while after 24 hours the salvage rate is between 0% to 10%.
The treatment of uncomplicated epididymitis can generally be managed as an outpatient, and consists of the following treatment measures:
  • Antibiotics (which may vary depending on the patient's age and sexual history), pain medication and anti-inflammatory agents
  • Rest
  • Scrotal support and elevation
  • Ice packs
In general, treated acute epididymitis resolves without complications. However, in severe epididymitis associated with systemic symptoms or in those accompanied by complications, hospitalization may be necessary.
Torsion of a testicular appendage
The treatment for torsion of the testicular or epididymal appendage is directed toward relief of symptoms, and consists of the following measures:
  • Pain medication and anti-inflammatory agents
  • Rest
  • Scrotal support and elevation
  • Ice packs
Most patients improve with these treatment measures within 1 week, though symptoms may last longer. In cases of testicular pain refractory to conservative management, surgical excision of the affected tissue is considered.
The treatment and management of testicular trauma depends on the severity of injury. Minor cases of testicular trauma without suspected serious underlying testicular injury can be managed as an outpatient with the following measures:
  • pain medication and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • rest;
  • scrotal support and elevation; and
  • ice packs.
With testicular rupture, immediate surgical repair is necessary to preserve testicular function and viability. Other situations requiring surgical management include certain blunt trauma injuries with associated hematoceles, penetrating trauma, and certain cases of testicular dislocation.
Inguinal hernia
The definitive treatment of inguinal hernias requires surgical repair, sometimes electively as an outpatient, while others require intervention on a more emergent basis. Occasionally, inguinal hernias may not be repaired even electively because a patient is too high-risk to undergo surgery.
Prompt surgical intervention is necessary in cases of inguinal hernias that are not reducible (unable to be pushed back into the abdomen) and in those cases of strangulation (disruption to the blood supply).
The treatment of orchitis depends on the infectious organism responsible for causing the testicular inflammation. Both viral and bacterial orchitis can be treated with the following measures:
  • pain medication and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • rest;
  • scrotal support and elevation; and
  • ice packs.
Bacterial orchitis and epididymo-orchitis require antibiotics. Those cases caused by viruses do not require antibiotics.
Kidney stone
The treatment for kidney stones generally depends on the location of the kidney stone, the size of the kidney stone, and any associated complications, such as infection. An uncomplicated kidney stone can typically be treated with the following measures:
  • adequate fluid intake;
  • pain medication;
  • anti- nausea medication; and
  • medications, such as tamsulosin (Flomax), which facilitate the passage of kidney stones.
Several different measures exist for treating kidney stones that do not pass spontaneously, such as lithotripsy (the use of shock waves to break up the kidney stone) and other more invasive surgical procedures.
Certain patients with intractable pain, intractable vomiting or those with signs of infection require hospitalization. In those with infection and obstruction, antibiotics and emergent urologic intervention is necessary.
Testicular tumor
The treatment for a testicular tumor depends on various factors. A testicular mass is considered cancer until proven otherwise. If testicular cancer is diagnosed, patients are referred to an oncologist who will discuss the different treatment options available.

Testicular Disorders (cont.)

This condition occurs when there is inflammation of the epididymis, generally as a result of an infection. Epididymitis primarily affects adults, and is most common between 19 to 40 years of age, though it can occur in the prepubertal and elderly age groups.
In sexually active men, the most common cause of infection is the sexually transmitted organisms Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In younger and older individuals, infection is usually caused by bacteria that are found in the urinary tract, such as Escherichia coli. Infection in these age groups is typically the result of an abnormality within the genitourinary system.

Torsion of a testicular appendage

This condition occurs with torsion (twisting) of the testicular appendage or the epididymal appendage, functionless structures that are remnants of tissue from human development. The testicular appendage lies between the testicle and the epididymis, while the epididymal appendage typically projects from the epididymis. As with testicular torsion, twisting of these structures leads to a decrease in blood flow and subsequent testicular pain. This is a common condition in younger boys, with most cases occurring between 7 to 14 years of age. Though this condition is benign and self-limiting, it must be distinguished from the more serious testicular torsion.


Any type of trauma or injury to the testicles can cause severe pain and discomfort. The most common mechanism of testicular trauma occurs from blunt trauma (~85%), which can occur from sports injuries, a direct kick to the area, car accidents, and straddle injuries. In most instances, the pain will improve with the passage of time. However, in a few instances, trauma to the testicles can cause more severe injuries requiring immediate medical attention.
Testicle rupture: This serious injury to the testicle results from a disruption to the connective tissue enveloping the testicle (tunica albuginea), leading to the extrusion of testicular tissue. This injury is often accompanied by a blood collection (hematocele) that surrounds the testicle.
Other types of injuries to the testicles include penetrating trauma and testicular dislocation.

What is testicular pain (pain in the testicles)?

Testicular pain refers to pain or discomfort that is felt in one or both testicles. The pain may originate from the testicle itself, or it may be the result of other conditions affecting the scrotum, groin or abdomen. Though there are numerous medical conditions that can cause testicular pain, it is important to understand that a few of them constitute medical emergencies that require immediate medical attention in order to prevent the loss of testicular function.

What function do the testicles have?

The testicles form part of the male reproductive organs, with a primary function of producing sperm and the male hormone testosterone.
The testicles are contained within an external sac-like structure called the scrotum, which is located between the penis and the anus. Adult testicles are similar in size to large olives, and it is common for one testicle to hang lower than the other within the scrotum. Located near the back of each testicle lies the epididymis, a coiled tubular structure which functions to store and transport sperm. The spermatic cord (a tubular structure containing blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels and the vas deferens) courses from the abdomen and is connected to each testicle. Apart from containing vital structures for each testicle, the spermatic cord also suspends the testicles within the scrotum.
Picture of the male reproductive system.

What causes testicular pain?

There are several medical conditions that can lead to testicular pain. As already described, some of these conditions require urgent evaluation and management in order to preserve testicular function.

Testicular torsion

This condition occurs when the testicle twists spontaneously within the scrotum, leading to a decrease in blood flow to the affected testicle (from the twisting of the vessels within the spermatic cord). If the blood supply is cut off for too long, the testicle will be permanently damaged. This condition is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
Testicular torsion typically occurs because of an anomaly affecting the normal attachment of the testicle within the scrotum, often referred to as the bell-clapper deformity. This abnormality allows the testicle to be freely suspended and twist spontaneously. Often times, this anomaly is present in both testicles. Trauma to the testicle is a rare cause of testicular torsion.
Testicular torsion is most common in males younger than 30 years of age, with a peak incidence between 12-18 years of age. It can also occur more frequently during the neonatal period. Testicular torsion most often affects the left testicle.