Showing posts with label SheKnows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SheKnows. Show all posts

10 tips for better sex

woman in shower

Be body aware

Take a morning shower and instead of rushing, take a little time to appreciate your naked body.

Do your pelvic floor exercises: clench your muscles tight and have a sexy daydream about what you'll be squeezing down there later on.

Slip on slinky undies and enjoy sensations like the feeling of the car/train/bus seat throbbing beneath you.


woman drinking water

Get physical

Vigorous physical activity 'primes' a woman's body for arousal so revitalise yourself with a gym session, take a brisk walk to blow the cobwebs away, or put on some hot salsa music and shimmy

 woman by train

Get in the mood

Women take longer than men to get in the mood so during the day fantasise about sex so that you're warmed up by bedtime. Stare at men you see in the course of your day and have idle, rude thoughts while you mentally undress them

couple cuddling with rose

Make a date

Make-believe that you and your partner are on a date together like in the early days, when you'd be full of tingly anticipation of what was to come (mundane topics like household duties, kids' troubles and work moans are banned)

wedding photos montage

Style your bedroom

Be selective with the photos you display in the bedroom. Pictures of the kids, your friends or your mother-in-law aren't likely to inspire passion and the idea of Aunt Hilda beaming at you from across the room might be enough to turn you off the whole idea.

Banish family and friends to the living room and replace those snaps with beautiful images of you and your lover at various stages of your relationship

knickers on bedside light

The right light

Keep two lamps by the bed, one for normal use and one for your more intimate moments. Fit a lower-wattage bulb into the 'sexy lamp' and only switch it on when you're feeling in the mood. Don't tell your partner - the simple act of turning on the light is the only signal they'll need

man watching woman strip

Help yourself

It's a fact: the more orgasms you have, the more your body wants them - so up your quota by masturbating more frequently, with or without a vibrator, then try masturbating in front of your partner for added va-va-voom

to be countinue..........

10 tips for better sex

two black wood pencils

X-rated fun

Take a piece of paper and draw an outline of your partner's body. Get them to mark an X on every spot they want you to touch, lick or kiss. Then get them to draw you and make your own demands. With your personalised erotic treasure map, there'll be no stopping you

couple in naked embrace

Opposites attract

If you usually enjoy it soft, go for a bit of rough. If leisurely foreplay is generally your thing, indulge in a frantic quickie. If you're a 'soft moaner' at the critical moments, try talking dirty for a change. Get your partner to do the same and you'll have all the thrills of taking a new lover

woman touching man's body

Techniques to try

Here are two nifty techniques to put a whole new spin on your handiwork. The Flame: pretend you're lighting a campfire with two sticks and spin your lover's penis between your fingers. Then try the Love Tug: as you're stroking him, lightly pull on the wispy strands of pubic hair sprouting from his testicles - you'll have him howling in delight

The kissing style of the younger generation

Freedom kissing

I've been asking some of my close friends a question that is making them all uncomfortable but, like the good friends that they are, they are offering me advice to the best of their abilities. My question has to do with kissing and some differences I've noticed in some of the girls I've kissed lately.

This thing I've been noticing has taken a toll on the rest of my experience with these girls. A good kiss is like a great opening scene in a movie. It grabs you and pulls you in and you don't turn away from that screen until the very end. Your emotions are on edge, but you enjoy the uncertainty because, at the same time, there is a miraculous feeling of comfort within the moment.

The trend that has been bothering me is that the three girls I've recently made out with do a lot of pecking. That is, pecking on the lips and cheek and neck. Sure, this feels great, but there is not as much passion in these kisses. And there is a major absence of tongue.

Now, I'm very sensitive about tongue use. But I believe it is necessary for a "sexier" kiss. I never go in first with tongue, and I use it in a pretty discretionary manner: I go with the girl's whims. I feel her vibe during a kiss and then give or take tongue accordingly. Sometimes it's passionate with a ridiculous amount of tongue. Or sometimes it's just gentle, with the tips of tongues touching. It can be a combination of both.

I anticipate what the first kiss with a new girl will feel like. Part of that anticipating has to with her tongue skills and how our styles will be compatible or clash.

In all three cases, I didn't really get aggressive with my tongue because I don't want a girl to feel like I'm attacking her with it. But I did eventually get frustrated with the lack of tongue, and the passion was lacking throughout the kissing. How is it possible, in some instances, to make out for two hours without using tongue in a kiss? I've tried to develop a theory for why the latest group of girls I've made out with have not used enough tongue.

The only unifying factor with all these girls I made out with is that they were all at least five years younger than me. This led me to believe that, at some point, there must have been some kind of cultural shift that my generation of kissers is not aware of: Maybe younger people just don't use as much tongue? Growing up, it was definitely part of the kissing learning process. But maybe this whole generation learned with different standards and ideas about what a passionate kiss is.

Is it possible that there was some kind of cultural shift or generational gap between me and these girls when it came to kissing? Perhaps.

Remember when France opposed the war in Iraq? Americans spitefully renamed all things "French": freedom fries (French fries), freedom dressing (French dressing), freedom manicure (French manicure). Maybe these girls are very patriotic and became so angry at France's opposing the Iraq war that they decided to subscribe to "freedom kissing": freeing themselves from French kissing.

On a more serious note, all three of my confidants (one girl and two guys) said, yes, they do enjoy having tongue involved in kissing and found it strange that there was virtually no tongue involved in my recent kisses with the three girls I made out with. One of my friends simply stated about one of them: "Maybe she's just a bad kisser."

Perhaps. But in my world of self-doubt, I considered whether I had too much garlic on my breath, or if these girls were just younger and intimidated and I should have taken more command with the use of tongue in our kissing. But I'm actually confident in my kissing style — it allows us both to express ourselves — and I really don't like attacking with my tongue. I like to use it skillfully and appropriately.

So, that begs the question: Is it possible that the younger generation just isn't into that?

The kissing style of the younger generation

I've been asking some of my close friends a question that is making them all uncomfortable but, like the good friends that they are, they are offering me advice to the best of their abilities. My question has to do with kissing and some differences I've noticed in some of the girls I've kissed lately.

This thing I've been noticing has taken a toll on the rest of my experience with these girls. A good kiss is like a great opening scene in a movie. It grabs you and pulls you in and you don't turn away from that screen until the very end. Your emotions are on edge, but you enjoy the uncertainty because, at the same time, there is a miraculous feeling of comfort within the moment.

The trend that has been bothering me is that the three girls I've recently made out with do a lot of pecking. That is, pecking on the lips and cheek and neck. Sure, this feels great, but there is not as much passion in these kisses. And there is a major absence of tongue.

Now, I'm very sensitive about tongue use. But I believe it is necessary for a "sexier" kiss. I never go in first with tongue, and I use it in a pretty discretionary manner: I go with the girl's whims. I feel her vibe during a kiss and then give or take tongue accordingly. Sometimes it's passionate with a ridiculous amount of tongue. Or sometimes it's just gentle, with the tips of tongues touching. It can be a combination of both.

I anticipate what the first kiss with a new girl will feel like. Part of that anticipating has to with her tongue skills and how our styles will be compatible or clash.

In all three cases, I didn't really get aggressive with my tongue because I don't want a girl to feel like I'm attacking her with it. But I did eventually get frustrated with the lack of tongue, and the passion was lacking throughout the kissing. How is it possible, in some instances, to make out for two hours without using tongue in a kiss? I've tried to develop a theory for why the latest group of girls I've made out with have not used enough tongue.

The only unifying factor with all these girls I made out with is that they were all at least five years younger than me. This led me to believe that, at some point, there must have been some kind of cultural shift that my generation of kissers is not aware of: Maybe younger people just don't use as much tongue? Growing up, it was definitely part of the kissing learning process. But maybe this whole generation learned with different standards and ideas about what a passionate kiss is.

Is it possible that there was some kind of cultural shift or generational gap between me and these girls when it came to kissing? Perhaps.

Remember when France opposed the war in Iraq? Americans spitefully renamed all things "French": freedom fries (French fries), freedom dressing (French dressing), freedom manicure (French manicure). Maybe these girls are very patriotic and became so angry at France's opposing the Iraq war that they decided to subscribe to "freedom kissing": freeing themselves from French kissing.

On a more serious note, all three of my confidants (one girl and two guys) said, yes, they do enjoy having tongue involved in kissing and found it strange that there was virtually no tongue involved in my recent kisses with the three girls I made out with. One of my friends simply stated about one of them: "Maybe she's just a bad kisser."

Perhaps. But in my world of self-doubt, I considered whether I had too much garlic on my breath, or if these girls were just younger and intimidated and I should have taken more command with the use of tongue in our kissing. But I'm actually confident in my kissing style — it allows us both to express ourselves — and I really don't like attacking with my tongue. I like to use it skillfully and appropriately.

So, that begs the question: Is it possible that the younger generation just isn't into that?