Showing posts with label Marshanda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marshanda. Show all posts

Indonesia Artist Photo Gallery
Paha Mulus Marshanda

Memek Marshanda

Gadis Bugil

Andriani Marshanda a familiar called "Caca" or "chacha" This (born in Jakarta, 10 August 1989; age 19 years) is a young artist sinetron stars, the stars ad, and also the performers of the event.

First-born child of three brothers Joseph and Irwan pair Riyanti Sofyan (Marshanda is the current manager) is born in Jakarta, Indonesia, 10 August 1989 with the Leo zodiac. Two sisters are Aldrian (Didi) and Allysa (Lisya). Aged 3-4 years when he lived in the City of Lumpia, Semarang, on the road near the campus Pleburan V Undip. That time his father worked about two years in Semarang. He bershio snake.

Marshanda that this is Islam started his career in the advertising world since grade 1 primary school by accident or chance, in which at that time Marshanda accompany the model famous aunt, Chintya Rustam, a former model Lux soap ad to ad to the bureau Citra Lintas. In fact sesampai there, to be included Marshanda casting. Casting until finally in 1997 was selected to headline Marshanda ad Bank Danamon. Next headline Marshanda a number of television ads and print media, including Filma, Cadbury eclairs, Supermi Ayam Bawang, Es MONY, Tango Wafer, Chicken Nuggets, Carvil Millennium, Susu Bendera, young, Emeron, Bank Tamara, and Vaseline.

New Sexy Marshanda Appearance

foto seksi Marshanda

Marshanda was a very matter of attention to appearance. According to the chacha, greeting familiar Marshanda, changes in appearance now made to look more 'Girly'.
"Because I not use something girly, dressy. For lighting I select a soft," he said, when found in Jalan Raya Pertani, Kalibata, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Saturday (30 / 5).
"Because of the first my hair color and black and hold accidental release single again, therefore I am change," augment him.
For Ben lovers Kasyafani, the problem is related to hair attract in the fashion world. Marshanda wants to build the image appearance concept, not origin-derived.

foto Marshanda telanjang

Matter of concept, Marshanda learn that many of the magazine and watching television.

After more or less during the two years he left the world pull voice, Marshanda return chant again. According to the chacha, new single is titled THE CINTAMU breathing, about the nuances of love and mellow.

"Yes, this is the comeback of nyanyi in me, because I really like nyanyi. If genrenya mellow songs, but a little more slow. This is about true love that we do, can love, ortu, friends and God," Pertani Jalan Raya, Kalibata , Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Sunday (31 / 5).

Video clip creation Tompi single disutradarai by Chairil is located in an old building, while the concept itself came from Marshanda. So, the extent to which the involvement of Ben inamorato Kasyafani in penggarapan video klipnya?

"From intro to some of the shots I love feedback, kayak gitu director. I am at home, wherever pas stripping again yesterday (run chase each, Red), nyanyi-nyanyi like more fun again. Sing it so do I," accuse him.

Dilakoninya concerning the role of video in the clip, chacha confess he portray himself.

"Here I am so myself, there are also stories about a pair of lovers, ortu, geng. So they are in love sejatinya each," specifically.