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In the world of psychiatric drug fraud, it doesn't get any funnier than this: Dr. Scott Reuben, the research con man caught fabricating clinical data for psych drugs, now essentially claims that "bipolar disorder" made him do it!
Why is this so funny? Because he's using a completely made-up disease to explain why he made up fake data in order to support the FDA approval of drugs used to treat another made-up disease. (That's called "circular psychiatric logic...")
David Guiterrez reports:
Prescription drug trafficking has undeniably grown into a huge problem on the streets of America. FDA-approved drugs are now the street drugs of choice for millions of Americans, and the problem has grown to the point where, in sheer numbers, it may soon dwarf the scope of the problem with hard drugs.
David Guiterrez reports on the details:
Warning: Cloned beef has now entered the food supply:
Fascinating new research shows that prayer heals patients. It's not just faith; it's now scientificly proven as well:
More news continues below on GMO alfalfa, preventing distemper in dogs and much more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Research fraud: Dr. Reuben now claims he had "bipolar disorder" which caused him to fake clinical trials (NaturalNews) Defense attorneys for the perpetrator of one of the largest research frauds in history have claimed that their client, Scott S. Reuben, MD, suffered from "serious, but undiagnosed" bipolar disorder that led him to fabricate data and otherwise... |
Pharmacists, doctors are the new drug dealers who flood the streets with addictive pills (NaturalNews) Big Pharma's drug abuse is emerging as the new face of the U.S. drug problem, with unscrupulous doctors taking the place of street pushers or other stereotypical visions of the "drug dealer." Southern Ohio has emerged... |
Cloned beef has now entered the food supply (NaturalNews) The U.K. Food Standards Agency (FSA) recently announced that the meat from a cloned cow has made its way into the food supply. According to a recent BBC report, a U.K. farmer purchased cloned bull embryos from the U.S., bred the animals... |
Experts warn parents against allowing children to become computer addicts (NaturalNews) Before the days of computers, children used to spend a lot more time outdoors. But even since computers first became mainstream, the amount of time children spend on them has drastically increased, causing an increase in illness and anti... |
FDA calls for stricter rules to approve medical devices (NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the federal agency responsible for approving medical devices, is calling for stricter rules for medical device approval. The new rules, which would specifically apply to redesigned medical devices... |
Prayer can help bring healing, say researchers (NaturalNews) Researchers from Indiana University (IU) in Bloomington recently conducted a study on the effects of praying directly with someone for healing. According to Candy Gunther Brown, an associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies... |
Supreme Court rules against ban on GMO alfalfa, but requires complete safety study first The battle continues as agri-giant Monsanto pushes to have its genetically-modified (GM) alfalfa approved for use in the U.S. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with Monsanto by ruling against a lower court's nationwide ban on the GM... |
Summertime Increases the Risk of Plantar Warts, Especially for Children Summer time is the most likely season of the year to contract a plantar wart and children are especially vulnerable when they spend time at the local swimming pool or perhaps at summer camp. The virus that causes these warts is HPV or human... |
Ensure Your Work Out is Helping You and Not Hurting You Working out should be something that is both fun and beneficial. The body responds almost immediately to proper training, but it also responds to improper training. Improper training can lead to aches and pain down the road, or even muscles... |
Distemper Outbreaks in Dogs Call for Natural Prevention Recent increases in outbreaks of distemper around the country are cause for alarm among dog owners. A dog that has been exposed to distemper will come down with the disease in less than five weeks. There is one supplement that has shown to... |
HFCS - the poison that promotes obesity and liver damage (NaturalNews) Two new studies have added more reason for concern that high-fructose corn syrup causes significantly more harm to the body than its mere sugar content would suggest. High-fructose corn syrup contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent... |
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