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The W.H.O. has finally released its list of advisors that influenced its decision to declare a stage six pandemic, and it turns out that several of them have strong financial ties to the very same vaccine companies that received a windfall of profits from the swine flu pandemic.
Check out the details of these conflicts of interest in my story:
Americans are "drowning in soda" and it's causing massive health problems across the nation:
On the positive side of things, learn how zinc helps make healthy babies:
More news continues below on a bio-gas car, personal health responsibility, and more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers (NaturalNews) After months of stalling, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six pandemic last year -- a decision that resulted in a financial windfall... |
New 'bio-gas' car unveiled (NaturalNews) British engineers have successfully converted the fuel system of a Volkswagen Beetle to run mostly on methane "bio-gas" produced from human waste. And according to reports, the converted vehicle operates just as well as the original version... |
Drowning in soda: America's health problems made far worse by massive soda consumption (NaturalNews) The booming popularity of sugary soft drinks has led to 6,000 more deaths, 14,000 more cases of heart disease and 130,000 new cases of diabetes in the past 10 years, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California... |
British government urges individuals to take personal responsibility for health (NaturalNews) Public health epidemics like obesity and diabetes have led some governments to impose new restrictions on people's food and lifestyle habits. But according to a recent Guardian article, the new U.K. government is now calling more... |
Taxing alcohol helps prevent alcohol related deaths (NaturalNews) A recent study out of the University of Florida has found that taxing alcohol helps to prevent deaths related to excessive alcohol consumption. The study is part of an analysis considering whether or not to increase alcohol taxes in the... |
Zinc necessary for eggs to develop into healthy embryos (NaturalNews) Researchers from Northwestern University near Chicago have been researching what makes certain human eggs turn into healthy embryos when other eggs do not. Based on findings thus far, high levels of zinc seem to be the deciding factor that... |
US almond growers achieve court victory in fight against mandatory fumigation (NaturalNews) Three years after the USDA destroyed the U.S. raw almond business by forcing almond producers to fumigate or pasteurize their nuts, a significant victory has been achieved that could overturn that onerous regulation. A federal appeals court... |
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