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Is sunlight a cure for psoriasis? New evidence supports the idea that ultraviolet light may be just what the body needs to eliminate this common skin condition:
Here's some interesting news: GlaxoSmithKline executives were selling resveratrol on the side -- as a supplement -- at the same time they were trying to develop it into an FDA-approved drug!
Worried about lung infections? Zinc helps prevent pneumonia:
We need your help to retire Ronald McDonald. Get rid of this junk food clown!
More news continues below on aging, the benefits of curcumin, why massage is so good for you and much more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Light treatment clears psoriasis as it boosts vitamin D levels (NaturalNews) According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about 7.5 million Americans suffer from the chronic, autoimmune skin disease called psoriasis that causes irritated, flaky and thick patches of red skin; some forms of psoriasis are also... |
GSK executives sell drug compound as a nutritional supplement on the side (NaturalNews) A recent report in Xconomy has revealed that several executives from drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have been selling proprietary formulations of resveratrol, a component of red wine that has gained much attention for its anti-cancer... |
Zinc helps prevent pneumonia in the elderly (NaturalNews) A new report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that zinc plays a very important role in health maintenance. In a study of over 600 seniors from 33 different nursing homes in the Boston area, researchers... |
Prescription drug overdoses on the rise in the U.S. (NaturalNews) Both accidental and intentional drug overdoses are on the rise in the United States, according to a study conducted by researchers from West Virginia University. "People have seen the headlines related to Heath Ledger, Michael... |
Help retire Ronald McDonald (so he won't keep hooking kids on factory foods) (NaturalNews) Corporate Accountability International has launched a campaign urging McDonald's to "retire" its famous mascot, the clown Ronald McDonald. "It's time to send Ronald McDonald to join Joe Camel in the retirement home of marketing icons... |
New Research Continues to Support Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin Turmeric has been used for over two thousand years in India as a food and medicine - called Holy Powder. Ayurvedic medicine has used turmeric to treat many conditions, including wound healing and infections. Chinese medicine uses turmeric... |
Big Business Fights Against the Health of Children The Children's Food and Advertising Beverage Initiative, initiated by the Better Business Bureau in 2007 and meant to curb what is advertised to easily-influenced children on television, has been delayed in Congress. The delay is being caused... |
Reverse the Aging Process Naturally, Part II There are 75 trillion cells within the human body. The function and aging process of each of these cells dictates the function and aging process of our body. Additionally, we have major hormones such as insulin and growth hormone that regulate... |
Discover the Therapeutic Benefits of Massage The health and wellness benefits that massage offers are more abundant than once thought. Emerging research points to a growing list of advantages that range far wider than simple anxiety, tension, and pain relief. One of the most interesting... |
Blagojevich, political corruption and health care reform (NaturalNews) Thanks to a lone, holdout juror, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich narrowly escaped being found guilty of trying to sell a U.S. Senate seat. He was found guilty on only one charge: Lying. Stop the presses! A politician lied... |
Ben & Jerry's 'natural' ice cream filled with unnatural ingredients (NaturalNews) Consumer watchdog group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is calling out popular ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's for using artificial and chemically-altered ingredients in its "All Natural" premium ice creams. According to CSPI... |
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