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Dear NaturalNews readers,
The only safe food is dead food. That's the opinion of the FDA, anyway, which has gone out of its way to force the fumigation, pasteurization and sterilization of fresh, living foods at every opportunity.
Now this massive nationwide salmonella egg recall feeds right into the FDA's agenda to sterilize the entire food supply -- including raw eggs, raw milk and raw veggies.
Read what's really happening behind the scenes in my story today:
Check out how Pfizer got away with massive fraud by being "too big to nail"...
Meanwhile, Canadians are carrying a huge burden of BPA in their blood:
More news continues below on heart disease myths, health benefits of cinnamon and much more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
FDA exploits salmonella eggs recall to pursue food sterilization agenda (NaturalNews) It's always amusing to see how quickly consumers can be worked up into a false fear frenzy by health authorities. We saw it last year with the overhyped H1N1 swine flu scare which was fanned into a flaming fear fest by WHO advisors on the... |
FDA uses massive egg recall to push for egg pasteurization (NaturalNews) Amid the massive egg recall currently underway over potential salmonella poisoning, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been working hard to push its pasteurization agenda. The agency recently made an announcement recommending... |
Feds found Pfizer too big to nail, so they looked the other way on massive fraud (NaturalNews) When the world's largest pharma company was found to have engaged in a massive illegal marketing campaign, federal prosecutors decided the company was too big to punish -- so they let it set up a shell corporation to take the blame... |
Canada survey finds vast majority of people loaded with BPA (NaturalNews) A recent report released by Statistics Canada, Canada's official statistical agency, has revealed that more than 90 percent of Canadians are contaminated with bisphenol-A (BPA), a toxic chemical compound used in many plastics and resins... |
Nearly 85 percent of new drugs provide little or no benefit, study finds (NaturalNews) Corruption and fraud in the drug industry is nothing new, but a new report to be presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association reveals that most new drugs offer practically no benefits and... |
Popular Cinnamon Offers Medicinal Properties and Tasty Treats Cinnamon is a simple flavoring, but it is the most pungent, popular, and common of all the spices. It has some surprisingly potential health benefits and is one of the world's most important medicinal spices. Cinnamon was used as medicine... |
Heart Disease: Understand the Difference between Truth and Myth, Part I Heart Disease was considered a very rare disease in the early 20th century. The lipid hypothesis theory that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease changed the shape of the nation in the 1950s. Society began to run away from saturated... |
Heart Disease: Understand the Difference between Truth and Myth, Part II It is known today that cholesterol itself does not cause heart disease. Free radicals that interact with cholesterol molecules cause them to oxidize. It is oxidized cholesterol that causes major problems within the vasculature of the body... |
Vegan Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a Myth Some vegetarians will avoid becoming vegan because of one simple myth they've heard again and again: they've heard that vegans can suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency based on their diet. Lots of vegetarians decide, based on this faulty information... |
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