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New research shows that vitamin supplements actually reduce breast cancer risk by as much as 40 percent.
David Gutierrez reports the good news:
Speaking of good news, did you know that chocolate prevents damage from strokes?
Most canned foods contain alarmingly high levels of BPA. Check out the latest findings:
And here are some of the many health benefits of ginger:
More news continues below on why doctors are nutritionally ignorant, why people distrust the media, why women benefit so much from reading food labels -- and much more (see below)...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Calcium and vitamin supplements reduce breast cancer risk (NaturalNews) Taking vitamin and calcium supplements may reduce women's risk of breast cancer by as much as 40 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico, and presented at the annual meeting... |
Dark chocolate prevents damage from strokes (NaturalNews) Researchers from Johns Hopkins University believe they have discovered a biochemical pathway by which a chemical naturally found in dark chocolate can help protect the body from strokes. Previous research has shown that a flavanol known... |
Doctor admits that most MDs know nothing about nutrition, health (NaturalNews) Most people probably assume that their doctors know everything there is to know about health because, after all, they went through many years of medical school. But according to a recent New York Times piece written by a doctor, most... |
GE salmon? Are you out of your minds? (NaturalNews) Has the FDA gone completely mad? Why are they trying to open the flood gates to genetically engineered (GE) salmon -- a move that will go down in history as one of the most asinine and dangerous ever made by our government? What's it going... |
BPA found in canned foods, health risks for pregnant women (NaturalNews) The hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) is found in high levels in canned food, a coalition of environmental groups has warned, sparking warnings from some doctors that pregnant women should avoid such products. "Fresh fruits... |
Distrust in mainstream media nears all time high (NaturalNews) A recent Gallup poll has found that 57 percent of Americans have little or no trust in the mainstream media to report full, accurate and fair news. This level of distrust in the media is the highest it has been since at least 1973, topped... |
Is saturated fat really bad for you? (NaturalNews) New research presented at the 100th annual meeting of the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) in Orlando, Fla., suggests that saturated fat may not be the health villain that mainstream medicine has insisted it is for the past several... |
Latisse eyelash drug can make your eyelids turn purple (NaturalNews) In violation of federal law, the popular eyelash-enhancing drug Latisse is being widely sold without a prescription -- with no one warning customers that the drug could turn their eyelids purple or permanently stain their irises brown... |
Study Finds Mid-Life Women Lose Body Fat by Reading Food Labels Mid-life for many women is a constant struggle to salvage what is left of a waistline that seems to be gradually morphing into a shapeless belly. Diet and exercise are the standard advice. But what really works? One recent study indicates... |
Negative Implications: Rethink the Role of Dietary Fiber (Opinion) Since the early 1970s, dietary fiber has been promoted to prevent and heal everything from constipation to cancer. In truth, fiber, especially when overdone, is irritating and leads to intestinal damage and dysbacteriosis (not to mention... |
Avoid Sleep Mistakes That Lead to Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Getting enough sleep is absolutely vital to preserving the health of the body. Considering how much stress is put upon the body on a daily basis, it is no miracle that sleep is one of the only ways for the body to recuperate and repair. What... |
You Can Spice Up Your Life with Versatile Ginger Ginger is a warming spice and its strong taste and stimulating effect on the body makes it an effective medicinal spice. It has been used to treat yellow-fever and malaria, and Chinese sailors chewed ginger root for seasickness thousands... |
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