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This is exciting because it's going to give you a way to find lots of great healthy recipe videos, plus it's going to give some recognition to those who are putting together the best recipes!
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Is there a cure for Alzheimer's disease? Some say YES, and this common spice could be that cure:
Beware of skin whitening creams. Many have been found to contain toxic mercury:
And check out this article on ways to control your appetite hormones:
P.S. Did you catch our special on stainless steel water bottles? We've found a really good one that's working well for people. Check it out at the store:
More news continues below on health benefits of sprouting, a revolutionary new continuing education program for doctors, more news on vitamin D and much more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Recipe video contest gives away prizes at NaturalNews.TV (NaturalNews) Got a cool video showing how to make a healthy meal or smoothie? A new recipe video contest has just launched. Entering the contest... |
Popular Asian spice can cure Alzheimer's disease (NaturalNews) Nature is full of various herbs and spices that protect against disease and even treat and cure it. And according to Chris Kilham, an ethnobotanist and Fox News' "Medicine Hunter", turmeric root -- also known in its extract form as curcumin... |
Doctor launches revolutionary continuing education program not funded by Big Pharma (NaturalNews) In order to keep their medical licenses, doctors are required to participate in periodic continuing education programs to stay abreast of current medical knowledge. But most of these programs are funded by... |
Skin whitening creams found to contain toxic mercury (NaturalNews) In violation of federal law, skin-whitening creams are still being widely made containing the neurotoxic metal mercury, according to an investigation by the Chicago Tribune. "I'm shocked and speechless," said Chicago dermatologist... |
Vitamin D: Let the Sun Give You Healthy Skin For years we have been told to avoid the sun due to the "damaging" effects of UV radiation. The newest research has shown that the sun's rays do much more good than harm. The sun's ability to charge our bodies with vitamin D makes it extremely... |
Natural Help Removes Benzene and Other Harmful Gulf Oil Spill Toxins Despite all the self-serving BP commercials and overly optimistic (and often premature) "official" pronouncements, the environmental disaster in the Gulf will continue to threaten millions of lives for years to come. Of particular concern... |
Control Your Appetite Hormones to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss Our body has evolved to use a very efficient pair of hormones which signal the brain when it`s time to eat, or when we`ve had enough food. Leptin and ghrelin are the hormonal messengers responsible for our desire to eat, our craving for certain... |
Sprouting: Discover an Economical High Quality Food Source for Lean Times The Internet and Internet Radio are increasingly advertising food packages that are meant to be stored for potential food shortages, which many are predicting. But there is a way to have your own food storage with less expense and... |
Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections (NaturalNews) If scientists discovered something that worked better than vaccines at preventing influenza, you'd think they would jump all over it, right? After all, isn't the point to protect children and adults from influenza? A clinical trial led... |
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