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Dear NaturalNews readers,
Do you believe that disease is caused by bad luck? Dr Oz's physician seems to think so: The recent colon polyp found in Dr Oz appeared there spontaneously and without cause, we are being told.
It's a strange thing to hear physicians talking like they believe in voodoo, magic and "spontaneous" anything. Don't they understand the cause-effect nature of the universe?
Read more in my intriguing look into the colon health of Dr Oz and why every disease has a cause:
Whoa! Check out what inspectors found at the factory egg farms producing all those contaminated eggs (it will gross you out):
Taking osteoporosis drugs? Did you know they've been linked to bone fractures?
On the good news side of things, the "Paleo Diet" seems to be one key to healthy body weight:
More news continues below on how to reduce wrinkles, why more doctors are testing for vitamin D, why homeopathy is under such intense fire by the British Medical Association, and much more...
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Today's Feature Stories:
Dr Oz colon polyps raises question of "spontaneous disease" without cause (NaturalNews) Dr Oz was recently found to have a precancerous colon polyp which was surgically removed. Following this experience, he appears to be surprised and confused about the origin of the condition, and he credits colonoscopy screening with saving... |
Inspections found recalled egg farms filthy, full of maggots and manure (NaturalNews) U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection reports have revealed that the two egg producers implicated in the current egg recall have been running operations conducive to contamination -- and in clear violation of the law. The reports... |
Ancient 'Paleo' diet key to healthy living and weight loss, some say (NaturalNews) Eat like a cave man to lose weight, build muscle and feel great. This is what advocates of the "Paleo" diet say is the key to healthy living, a diet that consists only of meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and mushrooms -- also known... |
Paying actual drug costs could plunge you and millions of others into poverty (NaturalNews) Drug companies are known for marking up their branded drugs by ridiculous margins. Certain drugs are sold for hundreds, even thousands, of times more than they actually cost to produce. Researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam recently... |
Osteoporosis drug patients report bone fractures caused by drugs (NaturalNews) Reports of bone fractures are widespread among patients taking osteoporosis drugs, a New York Times analysis of concludes. "My mother was taking Fosamax from 1995 until 2005 for osteoporosis," one woman wrote in... |
Limit the Appearance of Wrinkles the Natural Way Wrinkles are mainly associated with changes in our skin as we grow older. This natural aging process is inevitable but we can limit the extent and severity. Wrinkles can be those fine surface lines as well as the deep furrows. The areas... |
More doctors are finally testing patients for vitamin D deficiencies (NaturalNews) Growing awareness about the prevalence and risks of vitamin D deficiency is leading more and more doctors to test their patients' blood levels of the vitamin. "Upwards of 70 percent of American adults are vitamin D deficient or insufficient... |
Homeopathy Comes under Fire from British Medical Association The British Medical Association recently launched a blistering attack on homeopathy, questioning the proof behind the practice and calling for the National Health Service to withdraw funding for the five homeopathic hospitals that still exist... |
How to Master Hydration and Help Eliminate Jet Lag Did you know that although water is the healthiest drink you can choose on a plane, you can still get off dehydrated no matter how much you drink? Bottled water on planes leaves a lot to be desired on account of how hydrating it really is... |
Benefit from Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting, Part II Part I reviewed the latest findings in longevity research. In a word, dietary restriction (DR) creates physiological changes that slow down aging and protects against age-related diseases. It is now known that these effects are related to... |
Another offshore oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico (NaturalNews) It's a war zone out there! ... if you're an oil platform worker, anyway. Another oil rig, the Vermilion Oil Rig 380, has exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, just a few miles from the infamous Deepwater Horizon that started the... |
Antibiotic tainted beef illegally sold for human consumption (NaturalNews) The conventional U.S. food supply is no stranger to chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics. But a Michigan dairy has violated what minimal restrictions do exist concerning these additives by illegally selling antibiotic-ridden... |
Popular OTC medicines so dangerous that only doctors should prescribe them, says FDA (NaturalNews) Some popular cough medicines and pain relievers could become available by prescription only if an independent panel determines that such action should be taken. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a report about the... |
U.S. military warns about massive oil shortage by 2015 (NaturalNews) The world will run out of oil surpluses by 2012, with severe shortages following as little as three years later, a U.S. military report has warned. "By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015... |
Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines (NaturalNews) As someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu season shots... |
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